A Recap

     As I metaphorically stand at the center of this unusual fall semester I find myself retracting my previous views. A designer's job is one that is not just crucial, but it is very calculated. There are several things to consider when designing an ad or a visual. For instance, designers must rely heavily on the knowledge of their audience in order for the elements of their visual to make sense. They must consider who their audience is and the time period in which their visual will exist in order to communicate the message of their visual effectively. I suppose even when I finally understood the elements of visual communication, my immediate association was always that it was some kind of capitalistic tool used to prey on innocent consumers. But, in actuality, these elements can be used in different aspects, photographers can use the placement and color choices to convey the message of powerful movements. In the past, a center placement of Martin Luther King Jr. that was angled up at him and showcased a cross, paints him to be a prophetic leader. A much calmer image than what was often painted of the Black man. A visual can also  help  define a moment, group, or message forever by way of being a symbol.

       And despite all of this new information on the use of visuals, I only found it very effective when I applied those elements myself. Perhaps the assignment I enjoyed the most out of the few completed so far, is the one we did on metaphors. My choice of song was "Fine Line" by Harry Styles. The profound lyrics state " put a price on emotion, I'm looking for something to buy"and it was fun to create a visual for. I wanted to showcase the innocence of a young boy buying his emotions, emotions at a young age can feel plentiful and easier to buy. Kids are more material than adults in some cases, so one can literally buy their emotions. And yet the price of some emotions were cheaper than others because of how easy they are to obtain. The assignment was fulfilling and prevented me from antagonizing visuals as a whole.


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