Icon or Fraud


    The word icon seems to have developed into everyday slang. It simply means a person that is formidable and well respected. One might describe Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, or Lady Gaga as an icon. Or one  could use the phrase as an Instagram caption. Nonetheless, its meaning differs greatly from the definition in " Visual Communication Design: An Introduction to Design Concepts in Everyday Life ". The text states, "An icon is a type of sign that physically resembles the concept or thing for which it stands" (151). As I was reading this particular chapter, I found myself wondering about the most controversial icon there is by this textbook book definition--Jesus. When people think of Jesus or God, the common characteristics are long brown or black hair, a beard, and pale skin. It is the pale skin that is so controversial. For someone who comes from Palestine, Jesus sure looks like a White guy. The argument is that Jesus is not White at all, but rather, a person of color with either tan or dark brown skin. The spread of imperialism has caused the spread of the image of Jesus to be solely based on European standards. This argument is not devoid of proof either, even the Bible points to this, "The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace" (Revelation 1:14-15). The depiction of God or Jesus that we see in comparison to the text,does nothing more than uphold White Supremacy by suggesting that even a deity is White, so life should naturally favor Whites. People of color pray to an icon they can't identify with.This is all to say that as an audience, we should all be skeptical of varying icons and the roles they play in society.


  1. Hello,

    Great reflection. Well thought-out and thanks for sharing your opinion.
    I also liked your comparison between these famous artists and how people idolize them.
    I myself pray to god, but tend to avoid religious figures.


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