Regardless of if you accept this fact or not, Joe Biden is our president-elect. It is a wonder,however, a wonder how Joe Biden was able to win the election against Donald Trump. Trump is a man who has a cult-like following that is united together by the phrase "Make America Great Again" (MAGA). Trump supporters would go out of their way to have his merchandise on just about anything, hats, t-shirts, dresses, masks, phone cases, you name it. And yet Joe Biden was able to successfully win this election through the use of visual marketing. In 2016, the end of the Obama presidency brought on a wave of Joe Biden memes that showcased Joe Biden as the funny and overall cool uncle. Biden's campaign played this up often opting to use adrenaline inducing rap music over his campaign music.

This particular song was Eminem's "Lose Yourself" a song often associated with sports and getting ready for some kind of sports event.Similar to the "Gonna Fly Now"song that is often associated with the Rocky Movie,you get the feeling of running a marathon ( the campaign trail) as we are almost at the finish line for the election. Social media like Instagram and Tik Tok were flooded with videos of Biden with sunglasses riding a Mustang gave the aurora of a cool and confident man.

All qualities that make up a good leader. But perhaps my favorite aspect of the campaign was Biden's call back to "Making America Great Again", rather than red hats with the slogan Biden answers back with a slogan that says "We Just Did", making the point that the American people electing him as president is what would make the country great. There are many aspects of Biden's campaign that made him win, but his strong marketing definitely played a pivotal role.


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